Sugar's problems, aside from health concerns, stem from its status as an increasingly-consumed farmed product. Rising consumption is a predictable consequence of the urbanization and growing middle class of emerging economies such as China and India. This trend is yet to fully play out. If supply outstrips demand, the sugar price will surge.
In years gone by, manufacturers may have responded to price volatility and consumer demand for low-calorie products by switching to artificial sweeteners. However, new scientific studies have intensified doubts about the benefits of artificial sweeteners and concerns about their unintended negative side effects. The era of artificial sweeteners may be ending.
Health-conscious consumers are aware of this growing body of evidence and are rapidly changing their buying habits. The upshot is food and beverage companies cannot rely on artificial sweeteners to mitigate the problems of sugar. The best alternative may be a stevia leaf sweet compound known as Reb M.
重视健康的消费者知道这越来越多的证据正在迅速改变他们的购买习惯。结果是食品和饮料公司无法依靠人工甜味剂来减轻糖的问题。最好的选择可能是甜菊叶中的Reb M。
Reb M在甜菊叶中发现含量非常低,使标准植物提取物过于昂贵,限制在全球的发展。
BESTEVIA®Reb M为消费者提供零卡路里及与白糖相似的,口感。食品和饮料制造商,这下一代甜叶菊甜味剂提供可行的定价、持续可用性和一致的质量。
SweeGen公司位于加利福尼亚,2017年初宣布的商业化BESTEVIA®Reb m .这个新的甜味剂是批准销售在美国和加拿大,预计今年晚些时候获得更多的监管批准,2018年。SweeGen BESTEVIA的专有的生产过程®Reb M,从Conagen独家许可下,公司从甜叶菊叶开始,这种方法区别于其他同行。BESTEVIA®Reb M最近由非转基因认证的非转基因工程验证。
这一刻BESTEVIA®Reb M是已经用大品牌在市场上的饮料,酸奶和冰淇淋,有更多的消费产品目前在发展。Ingredion公司是SweeGen独家销售伙伴。
BESTEVIA®Reb M,通过对比现有的甜叶菊甜味剂,提供了一种甜味接近糖和回味,已使用的食品和饮料行业多年。
Turning Reb M into a viable sweetener
Until recently, these benefits were out of reach. Reb M is found in very low concentrations in stevia leaves, making standard plant extraction too expensive and limiting maximum global output. Fortunately for the food manufacturers and consumers, novel production methods for steviol glycosides were developed in response to the growing need for better and healthier options which resulted in sweeteners that eliminate many of the shortcomings of sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Reb M, also known as rebaudioside M, is one of many steviol glycosides found in the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. BESTEVIA® Reb M delivers what consumers desire, sugar-like sweetness and zero calories without the health concerns associated with artificial sweeteners. To the food and beverage manufacturer, this next-generation stevia sweetener offers feasible pricing, sustained availability and consistent quality.
SweeGen, Inc, located in California, met the industry's challenge for nature-based sugar reduction at the beginning of 2017 when it announced the commercialization of its Non-GMO BESTEVIA® Reb M. This new sweetener is approved for sale in the US and Canada and is expected to receive more regulatory approvals later this year and in 2018. SweeGen's proprietary production process for BESTEVIA® Reb M, under exclusive license from Conagen, Inc, starts with the stevia leaf, an approach that differentiates it from some other players in the field. The use of this proprietary enzymatic process increases BESTEVIA® Reb M's production prior to isolation and purification of the sweet molecules, which are substantially the same as those found in nature. BESTEVIA® Reb M was recently certified Non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project Verified. For health-conscious consumers, the Non-GMO certificate provides SweeGen with one of the most important differentiation points in the Reb M market today.
As of this moment BESTEVIA® Reb M is already used in the market by big brand names in beverage, yogurt and ice cream, with more consumer products currently in development. Ingredion, Inc is SweeGen's exclusive distribution partner, excluding SweeGen's House Accounts and the People's Republic of China.
The advantages of Reb M over other stevia sweeteners
BESTEVIA® Reb M, by contrast to existing stevia sweeteners, offers a sweet taste close to that of sugar and is free of the aftertaste of Reb-A, which has been used by the food and beverage industry for many years. The Reb M molecule is easy to work with and is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. Formulators can reduce the sugar content of their products without sacrificing taste.
If manufacturers seize the opportunity presented by this sustainable sweetener with feasible pricing, it is consumers who will benefit most by finally having access to a safe, non-caloric sweetener with a sugar-like taste. A better option indeed!
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