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时间:2014-12-16 16:44来源:mycotechcorp.com 作者:甜菊产业平台 点击:


MycoTechnology MycoZyme,使用一个蘑菇基材制作酶方法产生pleasant-tasting,零卡路里的甜味剂。


MycoTechnology inc .在拉斯维加斯西部SupplySide会议宣布一个纯天然去除甜味剂甜菊植物性金属回味的开发--MycoZyme™,使用一个蘑菇基材制作酶方法产生pleasant-tasting,零卡路里的甜味剂。 与过去的stevia-based产品,这种甜味剂是糖的250到300倍,没有金属回味。

人造甜味剂销量近年来一直在下滑,健康意识的消费者寻求自然产品。 但目前消费者需求的自然,还没有一种天然甜味剂,满足他们的口味需求。 MycoZyme甜叶菊处理提供了第一个高强度、零卡路里天然没有金属余味。 MycoTechnology的创始人兼首席执行官艾伦·哈恩说“以前,食品公司和消费者因低卡路里而不得不妥协味道。 但MycoZyme加工甜菊,你现在没有做出妥协。”

MycoZyme过程都是自然的,非转基因,不含化学物。 发现它的工作原理是利用天然酶的美味蘑菇分解中的苦味化合物甜叶菊植物。 几家最大的食品和饮料公司已经证实MycoZyme过程中。 

甜菊糖是一种替代甜叶菊rebaudiana植物的叶子。 它已在巴拉圭使用了超过1500年,自1971年在日本第一次作为商品使用在食品和饮料,包括可口可乐。 现在可用的全球和被认为是一个安全的替代糖。

MycoTechnology inc .开发纯天然过程去除味道缺陷是独特的,因为其他公司只是掩盖味道缺陷而不是删除他们,因此而添加不必要的热量或化合物。 常见技术利用化学过程或转基因生物的解决方案往往剔除风味和营养或添加多余的糖、盐和脂肪掩盖缺陷。 相反,MycoTechnology美味的蘑菇食用苦味化合物,导致健康,好吃的食品和饮料,不需要掩蔽剂。

作为一个食品科技公司专注于提供农产品、食品加工平台MycoTechnology提供了一个灵活的商业模式,以满足所有的业务需求。 在甜菊,MycoTechnology将提供许可的机会或加工服务。 更多信息可以在mycotechcorp.com上找到。

New natural process removes stevia's bitter aftertaste

MycoTechnology's MycoZyme, launched at SupplySide West, uses a mushroom-based enzymatic method to yield a pleasant-tasting, zero-calorie sweetener.

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An all-natural process developed to remove the bitter metallic aftertaste from the plant-based sweetener stevia was announced by MycoTechnology Inc. at the SupplySide West convention in Las Vegas. The new process, MycoZyme™, uses a mushroom-based enzymatic method to yield a pleasant-tasting, zero-calorie sweetener. Unlike past stevia-based products, this sweetener has 250 to 300 times the sweetness of sugar with no metallic aftertaste. 

Artificial sweeteners have been on a decline in recent years as health conscious consumers seek all natural products. While consumers demand natural, there has not been a natural sweetener that satisfies their taste requirements. MycoZyme processed stevia provides the first high-intensity, zero calorie, natural sweetener without an aftertaste. According to Alan Hahn, CEO and founder of MycoTechnology, "Previously, food companies and consumers have had to compromise flavor for calories. With MycoZyme processed stevia, you now don't have to make that compromise."

The MycoZyme process is all natural, non-GMO and chemical-free. It works by harnessing the natural enzymes found in gourmet mushrooms that break down the bitter compounds found in the stevia plant. Several of the largest food and beverage companies have confirmed that the MycoZyme process removes the aftertaste found in stevia. The process has broad applications beyond stevia and is capable of working on a wide variety of leafs, extracts and powders.

Stevia is a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia rebaudiana plant. It has been used in Paraguay for more than 1,500 years and has been sold commercially since 1971. It was first used in Japan in food products and soft drinks, including Coco-Cola. It is now available worldwide and is recognized as a safe alternative to sugar. 

MycoTechnology Inc. develops all-natural processes to remove taste defects and improve the profiles of foods and beverages. This is unique in the industry, as other companies mask taste defects instead of removing them, thus adding unnecessary calories or compounds. Common techniques utilize chemical processes or GMO solutions that tend to strip out flavors and nutrients, or add unwanted sugars, salt or fats to mask the defects. Instead, MycoTechnology trains gourmet strains of mushrooms to consume the bitter compounds, resulting in healthier, better-tasting foods and beverages that do not need masking agents.

MycoTechnology's other mushroom-based process, MycoSmooth, removes bitterness from denser foods such as coffee and chocolate. The improved foods contain no chemicals or artificial ingredients and have health benefits not found in the non-improved counterparts. Testing shows that the process imparts healthy components of the mushrooms into the target foods and rids the food of many toxins. 

As a food technology company focused on providing its food-processing platform for agricultural products, MycoTechnology provides a flexible business model to meet all business needs. In the case of stevia, MycoTechnology will provide licensing opportunities or processing services. More information can be found at mycotechcorp.com.

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