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  • [The Cultivation of Stevia] PureCircle Announces Plans To Invest In India 日期:2016-04-16 08:46:13 点击:206 好评:0

    Global Stevia Leader PureCircle Announces Plans To Invest In India Share with Twitter Share with LinkedIn NEW DELHI, April 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- PureCircle, the world's leading producer of high-purity stevia ingredients for the global foo...

  • [甜菊栽培] 明光市古沛镇甜菊苗俏销 日期:2014-05-16 11:04:21 点击:1287 好评:2

    明光市古沛镇甜菊苗俏销 2014-5-8 10:47:53 0 菊农铲苗、数苗、购苗现场 连日来,明光市古沛镇的三个甜叶菊集中育苗点上,前来购苗的农户络绎不绝。 由于受市场的影响,国内甜叶菊行...

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